Welcome to 40 Over 40… This is Angie.

Angie was the first woman to have her shoot in this campaign, and it feels so fitting that it was her.

She and I went to school together, and although we weren’t tight then, I remember her well as being the girl who everyone knew by name, because she was kind to everyone. She remembered you. She took the time to chat, and it genuinely felt like she cared.

Brisbane is my home town, but after leaving in 2002 and only just returning in late 2017, I haven’t had the same contact with old friends that I’d have had had I stayed here. One of the beautiful parts about coming back to the place you grew up in is the opportunity to re-meet people from your past and see who they are today. I’ve now photographed a few old school friends, met their families, learned a bit about their stories and got to know the person they’ve become.

Something about the 40 Over 40 campaign spoke to Angie, and I’m so happy that it was within this framework that our paths re-connected, that it was through this experience that I got to meet her again and learn about the woman she is today. Our shoot day had the comfort of old friends meeting again, and also the thrill of strangers getting to know one another, it was a beautiful blend of known and unknown, and just felt like the most authentic way to start this project, which is - after all - about reclaiming a part of you you might have shelved, neglected, lost or forgotten…

Angie - Thank you for your trust. Your willingness to let go and follow me down the rabbit hole lead to the most beautiful moments of play and release. I look at the gallery of images we created that day and I can not choose a favourite, I love them all. As someone who practices behind the camera as well, you were able to understand that your complicity was key to creating the magic we captured, and your willingness to dive deep into the process shows in the images…

As part of the experience of the campaign, each of the 40 women featured were asked to share their thoughts in response to 10 questions, as I want to tell each woman’s story, in her own words, and show that we are so much more than just pretty pictures.

Here’s what Angie has to say…

What is 'beautiful' to you? What do you think that means? And when do you feel most beautiful?

Beautiful to me is someone who is confident and content with themselves. I believe it radiates from the inside and then to the outside, every woman is beautiful as we are unique and no two of us are the same.

What are you most looking forward to as you get older?

Doing the things I love, growing old gracefully, travel more, find that someone to do life with and share the excitement of life’s big days.

If you had the chance to say something to your younger self, what would it be?

Hmmm my younger self...be a little selfish and don’t wait to do the things you dream of, try, fail, succeed and repeat...don’t be fearful of taking leaps, live life, love someone unconditionally and let nothing hold you back. And don’t care what people think. It’s taken me 20 years to work that out!


Do you have a significant moment when you started to love / value yourself?

When I hit my forties, I think for me being on my own forever has its challenges I used to think there must be something wrong seeing I’m still single, am I not enough, pretty enough, talented enough etc blah blah! I realised that it’s ok to ‘love me’ not in a pompous way but self love, you can’t love someone else until you love yourself.

How has your relationship to the role of Motherhood changed you?

Well I’m not a mother ‘yet’ and I used to think I’m not complete because of that, I’m a woman and that’s what I’m meant to do. When I went through a few things a couple of years back I used to get frustrated at God and I’d say ‘if I’m not meant to be a mum I should have been created a man’ ha.. I won’t say that I don’t think that at all now but I know we do get to have the desires of our hearts and we do need to hold onto them and dream, this life ain’t over yet! When my niece was about 2, I remember standing and just looking at her and thinking this little person needs all my love, protection, safety & guidance in the years to come....I felt for a moment what I expect a mother would feel and know that I don’t have to bare a child to feel that. But the love I have is unconditional.

If you could be the woman of your dreams - who would you be?

Rachel McAdams ha...I would imagine she’s beautiful on the inside too and is simply a natural beauty, oh and Tina Arena not only beautiful but she’s genuinely real and says how it is.


In what ways do you feel like you've gotten better with age? What are the gifts of ageing?

Hmmm good genes, my mum looks younger than she is and is a stunning lady & strong. I’m thankful that mum taught me how to look after my skin from an early age and I keep up with that regime everyday. I’d like to grow old gracefully. I think I’m wiser and stronger as I get older.

What legacy do you want to leave? If you weren't here tomorrow, how do you want to be remembered?

Legacy...I used to think what kind of legacy would I leave as I don’t have anyone to leave anything to. Over the last number of years I’ve lost friends and family members and I think everyone has that thought when things like that happen. I’d like to think that my life has impacted someone in a positive way, that I’ve helped someone, loved someone, not with material things but with connection and would leave a ‘tattoo’ on someone’s life that can’t be erased.

And lastly - in your own words, tell me your story…

My story....I grew up living in a number of different places and going to many different schools, a lot happened but that’s another story... I then left school and my first job was in retail for 5 years, I grew up with faith and going to church so when I was 21 I moved to Sydney and went to bible college.. I was down there for a year and then moved back home and worked at my church for 15 years wearing many different hats from PA, book keeper, women’s group leader, involved in music as I love to sing and still do, I’ve always had the desire to help people so a lot of those years were working for a non profit organization as well. After 15 years I moved on and started working at the Refinery where I have been for the last 10 years doing admin and training. I have a dream to give up the day job and move more into my part time jobs such as photography, apron creations, baking... The ultimate icing on the cake would be to have a family, find someone to love and be loved in return and just simply love life. Find that person who gets me ha....
Travel more as I’ve only ever been overseas twice. Life has been a rollercoaster at times but the best days are yet to come!

Want to be part of the campaign?

If you want to be part of the 40 Over 40 project, head over here to read all the details and register for the campaign. If you’ve already registered but still need to book your Consult Call or your shoot date, head over there now, spaces are almost full.

With Love + Light, Fiona 🖤


This is 40 Over 40… meet Michelle


Women - get in the picture. Please.