This is 40 Over 40… meet Michelle

Michelle is the epitome of great things arriving in small packages. Her petite stature told nothing of the fiercely determined, focused and playful person who resides within.

As an author, Michelle has a gift with words. If you read her responses to the campaign questions below, I’m sure the power of her words will tell you that that is truly her wheelhouse, and a skill I covet. We talked of melanoma scars during her shoot - something very ‘Queensland’ to share a bonding experience of unfortunately - and Michelle remarked that she would end up with a pair of matching scars on her shoulder blades, and she joked that it would look like ‘where her wings had been cut off’, as the archetypal image of a fallen angel is no stranger to any of us. I’ve become very conscious that the way we frame things has a HUGE bearing on the way we feel about them, and the effect those stories have on us… So it occurred to me in that moment to offer an alternative narrative - ‘what if it’s where your wings are meant to go in? What if you’ve earned them now, and this is how they come to you?’ And so of course now, all I see when I look at these images is her giant, beautiful wings, nestled unapologetically at her back 🖤

Each of these shoot experiences brings new lessons and discoveries for me - all sources of joy in the end, although sometimes they show up roughly in the moment. But this theme - of re-framing the stories we tell ourselves and the way that shapes our self-perception - is a constantly recurring one, and something that I’m more focused on as I walk this particular path towards living a big bold life of grand design, rather than the one that keeps me safe and small… If you’re looking for inspiration on this same path - take a moment to read Michelle’s words below. Her lessons and takeaways have an elegant wisdom that many of us can take inspiration from x

Michelle - thank you for your vulnerability and trust. There’s not too many people who would happily let me drape them in translucent fabric to realise an artistic itch in the moment - nor see the ‘awesome, creepy, arty, weirdness’ of the finished images (see below!), meant to look like you were drowning in light. I’m humbled by your skill and determination to rise up, and will follow you with eager eyes to see what new horizons you carve a path through, entirely of your own design…

As part of the experience of the campaign, each of the 40 women featured were asked to share their thoughts in response to 10 questions, as I want to share each woman’s story, in her own words, and show that we are so much more than just pretty pictures.

Here’s what Michelle has to say…

What is 'beautiful' to you? What do you think that means? And when do you feel most beautiful?

Beautiful is a feeling. It’s when you look at something or someone and it fills you with such joy that you are overcome with emotion. It’s different for everyone, because our souls recognise beauty in different places, depending on what we find joy in. I feel most beautiful at the beach, because I associate it with freedom and nature.

What are you most looking forward to as you get older?

I’m looking forward to seeing what sort of men my boys become. It will be interesting to see what bits of me they keep and those they replace with their own individual morals and passions. I’m looking forward to learning more about myself and continuing to grow into the woman and mother I want to be. I’m looking forward to getting to stay in my pyjamas all day.

If you had the chance to say something to your younger self, what would it be?

Stop comparing yourself to others. You were never normal. You weren’t born to fit in. Keep looking for the sparkle and glow in life and chase after it. It’s there that you will find friends, ignite passions and become you.


Do you have a significant moment when you started to love / value yourself?

Honestly, it’s a work in progress. For every significant moment that uplifts, there’s another that tears down. I think it’s in that balance that we find our true self, what we stand for and when we start to love ourselves for the fabulous and the flaws.

How has your relationship to the role of Motherhood changed you?

Being a mother is the absolute best thing I have ever done. My boys are my greatest achievement. I’d be lying if I said I don’t still struggle with judgement and blame and disappointment of myself for making mistakes and not being able to give them everything they deserve, but they are my life. They make the world a better place and that makes me the proudest mum ever.

If you could be the woman of your dreams - who would you be? Tell me about her…

I would love to have the self confidence of Michelle Obama, the business smarts of Reece Witherspoon and the sass of Dolly Parton. Having women to look up to and admire is crucial to success and I hope to be that woman for someone else one day.

In what ways do you feel like you've gotten better with age? What are the gifts of ageing?

I don’t compare myself to others. I pick my own battles, even the ones I know I won’t win. I know who and what is deserving of my time. I know who and what things I can change. The gift of ageing is the knowledge, the good and the bad, that the world is both wonderful and terrible at the same time. It’s how we choose to live each day that makes the difference.

What legacy do you want to leave? If you weren't here tomorrow, how do you want to be remembered?

I want to be like glitter. You only have to get near to it once and it sticks with you forever. I want everyone I meet to know how grateful I am to have them in my life, how much I value them just being themselves and what possibilities lie in the power of them believing in their dreams.

And lastly - in your own words, tell me your story…

I am so many different things to so many different people that sometimes I forget who I am. From a young age, I was bullied and shamed for wanting to be bigger, better and best. I became scared to be seen. As I grow I realise there is a freedom that comes with owning who you really are. I refuse to stay small so others can feel better about themselves. I owe it to my children and myself to find out who I am and be unashamedly that. I am Mother, Partner, Family and Friend. I am Author, Business Woman, Philanthropist and Game Changer. I am Grateful, Resilient, Hard Working and Kind. That’s what makes the world bigger, better and best.


Want to be part of the campaign?

If you want to be part of the 40 Over 40 project, head over here to read all the details and register for the campaign. If you’ve already registered but still need to book your Consult Call or your shoot date, head over there now, spaces are almost full.

With Love + Light, Fiona 🖤


This is 40 Over 40… meet Kristina


Welcome to 40 Over 40… This is Angie.